Learning at Home

Effective learning is a result of an active partnership between the child, the parents and the school. Parents, carers and families are by far the most important influences in a child's life. Their support can play a vital role at all stages of education. Here at Waycroft pupils achieve extremely well and make rapid progress, evidence that Waycroft pupils benefit from a positive three way partnership.

Parents who take on a supportive role in their child’s learning make a difference in improving achievement, attitudes and behaviour. The active involvement of parents in the life of the school can help promote a learning community in which pupils can engage positively with school staff and their peers. Please enquire about ways you can join the ‘Friends of Waycroft’ or come in and support classroom activities or clubs.

Thank you for listening to your children read, encouraging them with their homework, supporting them at school events and providing them with stimulating experiences away from the school site, these all make an enormous difference in all areas of learning.

Here you can find a booklet the staff have developed to support learning at home. We will regularly add links and information to this area of the site.


Times Table Leaflet